Monday, July 02, 2012

Phone camera montage

I finally transferred some photos from my phone to my computer.  Tricky since I don't actually have a memory card in my phone.  I actually love the phone photos the most, because they are usually those perfect moments when, of course, I don't have anything but my phone handy.

Here are a few of the faves from the last year.

Close up.
Snuggling with Bompa. 
 A wild animal grazing in the field.
Checking out the fall leaves.
Still in the oral fixation stage.
 A lovely Halloween trio.  You can't see them very well against the dark background, but I made some pretty awesome Leia buns out of yarn and styrofoam.
 We've already discussed this boy's love of his pushcar.
 Pre-walking at the playground.
First swing session.
 A sleepy swing session.
 A happy swing session.
 A tasty swing session.

Enjoying the first of many cookies at Grandma & Bernie's house.
On the bus right after the lawn ceremony.
 The final throes of our exit from Copeley.
J checking out my sweet ride at the Reagan Airport.


Signingbailey said...

Hard to believe he was so small!

Erin Gibbons said...

Your new house is so adorable! Cute, cute, cute! And I can't believe it has a nice yard with a playground in the back too! I'm so happy for you guys and hope you get to do all the decorating you want!