Thursday, January 30, 2014


It's belated, but as my only new year's resolution is to blog more often so I can publish my posts as a family year book, I'll go ahead with "The Baileys' 2013 by the numbers..."

1 - mile.  I started swimming to help heal my back, and after building up slowly over about 5 months, I can now swim a mile several times a week.  I'm slow, but I can do it.  After being unable to exercise for over a year, it feels so good to be strong again!

2 - job promotions.  Chris moved from intern to "urology year 1" resident.  He's really loved the change and has a stellar group of co-workers in the urology department at Mayo.  And I was promoted to mom of 2.  New perks include the 5 a.m. snug-a-thon and watching the boys learn to be friends.


3 - sewing projects.  For an artistically challenged person such as myself, this is a break through.  2 recovered rocking chairs (umm, mostly done by my amazing parents while we waited for S man to arrive), new living room curtains, and an apron for Little J.

4 - weeks old. S man's age when we went to Nags Head in May.  Now at 9 months old, he's already a seasoned traveler!

5 - visits from grandparents.  We are so grateful they are willing to come all the way to Minnesota to see us!  Don't worry, we know the kids are the real draw :)

6 - about how many words J could say at his 2nd birthday in Feb.  His language development has truly taken off.  Just last night, I overheard him teaching Sam, "The garbage truck opens like this to dump the load at the landfill.  On Thursdays.  See, that's amazing!"

7 - months of cold weather here in Minnesota.  Thank goodness for hot chocolate, a reliable furnace, and a rockstar snow blower.

8 - months of S man in our family.  It's been quite a treat getting to know this little adventurer.

9 - weeks Little J, S man, and I spent in Utah.  And the boys were able to see all of their 9 cousins during those visits, what a treat!

10 - weeks Chris spent on each "quintile" rotation with different surgical services in the urology department.

11 - number of times I can answer questions that start with "Why" before I call a question break.  Yep, we've already hit that stage.  J's already delved into some pretty big questions, such as "Why are all the dinosaurs extinct?"

12 - surgeries Chris can now complete.  This is approximate, but it is remarkable how much he's learned already.

13 - weeks of preschool.  This fall, I organized a preschool coop with three other moms.  The highlight was our trip to the fire station.

And, the year-in-review wouldn't be complete without the most recent photo shoot.  Side note - The Target portrait studio was awesome - great deal, done in about 30 minutes.  Yep, we're members now.  So you might be seeing this background again :)

Here's to 14 new adventures in the coming year!

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